Stone Therapy 

Relieves Aches and Discomfort



In Mongolian traditional medicine this is used to treat rheumatic diseases. In particular with figures and pieces of agalmatolite they tried to relieve joint ache. This mineral is considered to possess receptive Yin energy.



Lithotherapy experts say that massage with balls made of amazon-stone can remove nervous exhaustion and strengthen heart. In Arabia believed that jewelry with amazon-stone protect its owner from sunstroke and headache. There is an opinion that necklace made of amazon-stone can rejuvenate skin and improve its color.

Amazon-stone brings accord into activity of all energy centers, especially it influences heart and throat chakras. Amazon-stone helps at arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis of cervical spine. To treat these ailments, you wear an amazon-stone necklace or massage body with balls made of amazon-stone.



Healing powers of amber are mentioned in Plinius’s and Galen’s work. In Middle Ages (1551) German researcher A. Aurifaber published amber monograph where he described 46 ways of using it. It is interesting that some philologists count word “amber” derived from Lithuanian “gintaris” which means “protector from diseases”

It is considered that amber possesses receptive Yin energy. It helps at head and tooth ache, arterial pressure differences. Amber can save from magnetic storm and favor eyesight. Amber medications possess anti-inflammatory action. Amber favors thyroid gland, spleen and heart. Cigarette holders made of amber lessen probability of cancer evolvement. In Poland you can find amber vodka which heals cold and quinsy.

It is ascertained that one of the reasons of thyroid gland diseases is lack of iodine in organism. Amber contains iodine that’s why wearing amber beads can be helpful at curing thyroid gland problems. Besides iodine there are other trace elements which amber contains, and which are good for one’s health, like: iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and others. Amber also contains succinic acid salt which activates metabolism, stimulates digestion system and possesses anti-inflammatory and bactericidal actions. By the way even ancient Egyptians used amber in mummification ceremonies.

In oncology amber therapy is used for slowing tumors growth. Amber – is the source of creative powers, faith and optimism. It gives its owner physical strengths, good spirits, brings luck and saves health.



Modern lithotherapists believe that cut aquamarine possesses health-giving receptive Yin energy. Indian yogis traditionally think that this gem is one of greatest stimulators of head chakra. In its turn it connected with thyroid gland and that is why indirectly influence emotions of a human.

Aquamarines strengthen protective immunity of an organism, help at various skin and lung diseases, remove tooth ache. It is said that aquamarines positively influence to stomach and liver. There are beliefs that aquamarine prevents sea-sickness.



Lythotherapists say that beryl possesses receptive Yin energy. It is considered that beryl helps at spinal ache, chill, cold in the head. They can influence on chakras solar plexus and heart. Beryl ornaments are recommended to wear as the cure from gynecological disorders. In some Indian cultures believe yellow-green beryl “stimulates digestion, metabolism, and structure” is also mentioned. By these unusual terms ancient healers described the condition of organism’s metabolism. Thus, by their idea beryl was able to harmonize the passing of metabolic reaction.



Lithotherapists say that charoite possesses projective Yang energy. It is able to produce stimulating effect on Anahata, Vishudha and Sahasrara chakras. Saint-Petersburg Institute of Aiding and Healing specialist Bugrova S.A. recommend using charoite when having kidneys, heart, liver diseases and various inflammation processes. Charoite beads or pendant can help to overcome headache. They will strengthen immunity and will also relieve mental exertion. For strengthening organism’s defensive abilities polished charoite should be placed on problem area of a body. As another healing mean you can use charoite beads or pendants.



Lythotherapists say that corals possess receptive Yin energy. They activate metabolism, favour blood circulation and cardiovascular system, make the memory better. There is legend that coral heal abscesses and sores, including inner ones. It was common to think that coral worn on the forefinger of the right hand purifies blood, and coral necklace worn on the neck prevents quinsy and scarlatina, and cures from the facial tic.

According to some research red coral contains water, earth and fire elements. Its activity concerns the energy that controls metabolism, body temperature, skin condition and digestion functions. Coral neutralizes negative conditions – anger, jealousy. It is useful when one has thyroid gland diseases, asthma and it also has contraceptive powers.

In Japan white coral powder is used for speeding-up fracture healing, tooth replacement. In Portugal coral beads are used as anti-headache remedy. In England they used for curing throat diseases. In Russian lythotherapy corals are also used for throat and cardiovascular system diseases cure, they help at depressions and psychoneurosis.



As a healing preparation cornelian was used even by healers of Ancient Egypt who considered this gem as one of the most magic and healing one. Crumbled cornelian was added to mixtures and powders which helped to calm down and restore energy. Cornelian as a healing preparation was used also in Asia – by Chinese, Hun and Mongolian healers. More than usual this gem was honored in India. Some researchers say that orange cornelian can restore nerve tissue, helps at urogenital and respiratory systems, stimulates endocrine glands activity and improves blood circulation and skin color. In ancient times there was belief that cornelian ornamentations help to deliver a child easily.

Modern lithotherapists believe that cornelian possesses projective Yang energy. It stimulates cerebral blood flow, strengthens immune system, removes headache and helps at skin and thyroid gland diseases. Yellow cornelian can be used at intestine activity disorder, specifically at constipations; it also helps at kidney diseases. There is specific school of treatment by this gem – corneliantherapy. Maybe healing powers of cornelian, which cannot be negated, are explained by faint radioactivity of some gems. Stimulating effect of small doses of radiation is well known.



In old times jasper was considered as a cure of epilepsy and fever. Jasper was thought to possess receptive Yin energy. It can improve sight, cure epilepsy and remove tooth ache.

Chinese healers considered jasper to be one of the most important pharmaceutical substances for purifying internals. Red jasper was able to stop bleeding and cure gynecopathy. Green jasper was good for concentration, so that many things revealed usually unseen by ordinary sight.

By Taoism jasper was considered as “life gem” because it strengthened body and made life longer. In one of Thailand temples there is Buddha statue, which was cut from green jasper monolith, and that weights more than 5 tons. This unique sculpture possesses powerful healing energy. In old times jasper was considered as a true cure from epilepsy and fever. Famous Avicenna recommended wearing jasper stone on belly to prevent stomach diseases. Red jasper wares were supposedly able to stop bleeding and cure gynecopathy.

Jasper was thought to prevent intoxication. It is said that Byzantine emperor Manuil presented jasper chalice to Afon’s mountain monks, which not only cured many diseases but also prevented various poisons. In Ancient Rome sick people wore jasper amulets on which their names were carved.



In ancient Tibet, Mongolia and China therapists were able to cauterize wounds with sun beams passed through balls made of rock crystal. Modern lythotherapists say that rock crystal can harmonize mental and physical powers of a human. Rock crystal favors spinal cord and brain activity, help at ischemia, varicose veins and respiratory diseases. With rock crystal it is possible to remove headache and stress. It also can lower temperature. Note that in Ancient Rome patricians carried small ball of rock crystal for cooling when it was hot. In modern China crystal balls are used for massage, and small sharp pieces of crystal (so called “banshee”) for stimulating of biologically active points of human body.



Sagilit favors heart chakra. Sagilit ornaments favor organism protective attributes. Lithotherapists think that sagilit is perfect mean against headaches and migraine.



For revealing its healing powers, the owner of the gem must be chaste and kind. It is called “nun’s gem” not by an accident. The stone helped nuns guard their vow of chastity. It is considered that sapphires possess receptive Yin energy. These stones affect Third Eye “Adjna” chakra; they lower pressure, help at insomnia, spinal aches, colds and even cancer. Sapphire ring or bracelet worn on left hand help at asthma, heart aches, and neuralgia.

It was considered that sapphires can cure leprosy and “any evil tumors”. Water, in which sapphire was placed, helps at eye problems.



In ancient times there was a belief that serpentine thanks to its “snake” coloring can be an effective antidote. Vessels and jars for medications were made of serpentine. That is why serpentine sometimes was called “chemist’s stone”.

Modern lythotherapists say that serpentine helps at headache, fracture healing and a lethargy awakening.



Turquoise is reckoned to be the gem of Yin. Blue-sky turquoise is the most active.

If turquoise ornament became tarnished it can indicate the beginning of the illness. Turquoise strengthens eyesight, removes insomnia and nightmares and lightens headaches.

In the Indian lithotherapy turquoise is considered to be the main stimulator of the guttural chakra. That is why this mineral is so good for vocal cords and thyroid gland. Mongol lamas thought turquoise to be an indicator of man’s health: its color changes along with the condition of the owner.

Tarnishing or greening stone may signal for the beginning of illness (remember that in modern enviroment the stone’s color may corrupt under the influence of the soap, alcohol, perfumes, and grease). It is also considered that turquoise color may restore if it changes the owner with more healthy and strong aura.

Only true turquoises have healing powers; its imitations and artificial stones are not advised to use for healing.

Congestion, Cough and Flu


Lithotherapists say that agate possesses receptive Yin energy. Jewelry with agate increase potency, help at continuous cough and throat diseases. It is said that agate helps at spasms, protects from fear, infections and stomach diseases. In Sanskrit “kapha” means “body water”, which is present in various organs and tissues (according to modern knowledge - intercellular fluid). Kapha gives energy to heart and lungs, preserve immunity (remember that intercellular fluid contains antibodies). Some research says that agate contains elements of ether, fire and air. Depending on coloring agate can influence any chakra. In Middle Ages agate grinded in water was used as medication against snake and scorpion bites.

It is said that blue agate can positively influence to thyroid gland, yellow agate cures respiratory and digestive organs, in peculiar liver and biliary tracts. Red agate has health-giving effect to vascular system, prevents endocrine diseases and virus infections.

Modern lithotherapy also use balls made of agate for massage.



Lithotherapists think that aventurine possesses projective Yang energy. It helps to prevent allergic dermatitis and loss of hair. Items made of aventurine decrease blood pressure, cure bronchitis and flu, used at cardiovascular system and circulation of blood diseases. There are indications that aventurine can help at sub acute chronic diseases, it fastens wound healing and removes warts. In Indian yoga green aventurine is used to stimulate heart chakra, to strengthen eyesight and intellect evolution. Aventurine can be applied to pathologically changed parts of body. Massage made with balls made of aventurine considered to be very health-giving. Variety of coloring of the mineral allows choosing a ball of specific color increasing physiotherapeutic effect of treatment.



Alexandrite possesses projective Yin energy and affects (Heart) Anakhata 4th Primary chakra. This Gem can positively affect nervous system of a person. It is said that duality of colors of alexandrite connected with two types of human blood - arterial and venous. That is why they say that alexandrite improves blood flow, purifies blood and strengthens blood vessels. Lithotherapists say that alexandrite helps to cure spleen and pancreas. Indians believe alexandrite prevents alcoholism, scab and even leprosy.



Lithotrapists say that almandine possesses projective Yang energy. They say that almandine from Mackzaban deposit has pronounced health-giving effect. Even Crusaders had almandine rings protecting them from diseases and wounds. These gems were said to remove pains. Ancient Russians believed that this gem helps at childbirth. In medical book of 16th century almandine was mentioned as a gem which”gives joy to the heart, drive away improper thoughts and multiplies wits and honor”.

It helps to cure wounds, gives energy to heart and lungs, strengthens immunity. Yogis say that soft vibrations of almandine directed at mental and physical body. Gem affects positively mental condition, normalizes heart activity, helps at inflammations. It favors organ and tissue regeneration, stimulates blood flow and increases potency.



It is considered that amethysts possess receptive Yin energy and affect Third Eye “Adjna” chakra. Contemplation of amethysts removes nerve exhaustion, brings comfort and that is why they are helpful against insomnia. Water in which amethysts were stored is good for cerebral blood flow restoration. In ancient times people believed that amethyst protect its owner from infection. It is said that amethyst jewelry must be cleaned regularly thus removing negative energy.



It is considered that azurite placed at any aching place can remove “negative” energy. It affects Vishudha and Adjna chakras; helps to cure hypertension, shortens time of bone healing. Jewelry with azurite help to prevent melancholy, hallucinations, hysteria, epilepsy and other nerve system abnormalities, increase energy flow through it. There are guidelines saying that azurite purifies blood and bile, helps at eye diseases and infectious skin diseases.

Azurmalachite can be used in lithotherapy when both malachite and azurite are needed. Fist one works actively in “earth vector” giving comfort and relief from pain. Second one – azurite – with its green-blue radiation removes energy blocks in Chinese meridians, normalizing energy flow.



Lythotherapists think that bloodstones possess projective Yan energy. They are good for blood circulation; particularly, they increase hemoglobin quantity.

These stones purify blood and help to stop hemorrhage. This opinion is possibly originated because of color of bloodstones which are bloody-red. Bloodstones increase physical and intellectual activity, help to resist stresses.



Lithotherapists think that chrysolites possess projective Yang energy. These stones favor physical and emotional state of a person. They normalize cordial activity prevent blood pressure drops, drive away nightmares. There is an opinion that chrysolites are helpful at curing cold, eye and spinal diseases. They say that chrysolite can cure stutter. Like turquoise, chrysolite helps at eye diseases (used in homoeopathic doses), also at blood diseases.



Since olden days, green color was considered to improve mood and strengthen sight. Any person who looks at green chrysoprase improves his mood. It is considered that chrysoprase improves eyesight, purifies blood and lessens rheumatism pain. Chrysoprase ring can increase its owner’s organism endurance. Chrysoprase favors brain work and stimulates metabolism. It can reanimate activity of endocrine gland. Chrysoprase lowers arterial pressure and helps to resist stress. Healing effect is produced not only by gem itself but also by water into which chrysoprase was placed and kept for some time, usually for 4-5 hours. Indian mages ascribed chrysoprase to wind element, and yogis thought this stone to be strong heart chakra Anahata stimulator. By their opinion chrysoprase possesses receptive Yin energy and can rejuvenate tired heart. In combination with “Hearth Stone” – pink quartz, chrysoprase’s health-giving effect to this most important human organ is amplified greatly.



In ancient India citrine was honored as stone that possesses projective Yang energy. In yogis healing practice it considered to be one of the main stones of belly chakra – Manupura, which stimulates solar plexus and gastrointestinal tract functions. Citrine is helpful at healing gastritis, pyelonephritis, and cystitis. Citrine activates brain work and accumulates life energy in organism. Citrine by its vibrations creates protective aura around body that is able to protect person from outer negative effects.



Diamonds were said to possess health-giving effect. The ancient Indians thought the diamond “vibration” to be positive for various organs, especially heart and brain. In old times it was said that diamonds were able to cure poison. It was also common to think that diamonds protect its owner from diseases, drive away bad dreams, prevent hypochondria, apoplexy and gall-stone formation. The Indians believe in diamond’s ability to lower high temperature, fight off infections, cure skin diseases, remove fatigue, activate metabolism. A diamond ring helps at childbirth. Especially effective green diamonds which are considered as the symbol of motherhood.

Modern lithotherapists do not advise to wear somebody else’s diamond jewelry, or with low quality gems, especially synthetic diamonds. To improve your health they advise to drink “diamond” water every day, this is a water in which diamond jewelry was kept whole night. In this procedure it is not recommended to use somebody else’s diamonds or low quality gems. Diamonds have good effect at “contact” treatment. Impulsive persons with high blood pressure are not recommended to wear diamond jewelry.



Lithotherapists say that fluorite possesses projective Yang energy. They use this gem to treat cerebral and cardiovascular system diseases. It is said that fluorite can help at disseminated sclerosis and epilepsy. Fluorite crystals influence Adjna and Sakha-Srara chakras.



In the Chinese medicine gagat was considered as one of the strongest Yin stones. In lythotherapy they use gagat in the form of: massage balls, amulets, glass beads, and palm plates for negative energy removing. In old times they believe that gagates may prevent convulsions, lighten the child-birth, though they are not recommended to wear by pregnant. Gagates cures podagra and removes spasms. They say that gagat placed against kidneys raise the arterial pressure. There is an opinion that gagat heals from poison and stomach diseases.



Characteristic color of hematite was associated by the most people with blood. In old times it was considered that hematite ornaments help to stop bleeding and cure wounds. In present days some people believe that hematite possess perceptive Yin energy, they “purify” blood, help one with blood diseases, positively affect kidneys, liver and spleen. It is not accidental that the other name of hematite is “iron kidney”.

In the Eastern phytotherapy hematite necklaces were used for abscess healing,

blood-vessel occlusion situations, for bleeding stop. It is considered that hematite is good for hemostasis, may help with urinal and sexual disorders, prevents blood diseases. Hematite stimulates sexual energy. Lythotherapists say that this stone raises blood pressure, positively affecting the supporting chakra, and also stimulates blood filling of sexual chakra.



Along with nephrite jade is used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine as good energy stabilizer possessing receptive Yin energy. Healers say that precious jade with its Tsi energy can correct disturbed bio energy of a human, gives emotional recharge and regulates blood pressure. Jade energy can smooth and calm emotional bursts. It is also helps at sterility.

It is necessary to mention that Spanish colonizers called jade as “kidney stone” and considered jade to be the talisman against kidney diseases. Beads and bracelets of jade positively influence heart activity, normalize blood pressure, protect from weather influence. Jade ring can remove eye fatigue and useful at meditative treatment of myopia.


Some lythotherapists think labrador to possess receptive Yin energy and it can be useful when curing sterility, joint problems and prostate.




In Ancient India lapis lazuli was used not only for sacred attributes making, but also to heal people. Some research says that this “celestial” stone can strengthen physical body, mind and consciousness. Lapis lazuli recommended as a stimulator for the whole body and also as a cure for eye diseases. In that case it is recommended to use water in which lapis lazuli was placed. In ancient times there was a belief that lapis lazuli bracelet can protect a child from different diseases.

Modern lithotherapists say that lapis lazuli possesses projective Yang energy. Lapis lazuli ornaments help at migraine, nerve disorders, asthma and radiculitis. It is able to decrease high temperature at various diseases. Lapis lazuli is used for treatment of different inflammations and to strengthen sleep. It is considered that lapis lazuli can normalize pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.



Many nations considered malachite as the “health stone”, a talisman against misfortunes. Stones of bright color are good for heart and lung treatment. It is suggested to place malachite at heart chakra and “blocked” parts of a body to “dissolve energy plug” and open channels for bio energy flows passing. Bright malachite considered to be the most useful one. Placed at heart chakra region malachite can remove emotional stress, create energy balance between heart and navel chakras. Being the essence of Yin, malachite can absorb negative energy and create in human organism physical and emotional harmony.

In modern lithotherapy malachite is used at heart, pancreas and spleen diseases. It activates regeneration, positively influence to hypophysis and epiphysis. Some American healers say that malachite is a good anti-radiation preparation. Lithotherapy experts say malachite is good at pancreas and spleen diseases. Malachite ornaments favor tissue regeneration and positively affect nerve system.



It is said that moonstone ornaments can positively affect kidneys, urinal bladder and urinary tracts; it can help with edema (fluid retention). Lithotherapists say that moonstone protects from epilepsy and other nerve disorders.



In India black chatoyant obsidian was linked with Muladahra chakra, energy of which belongs to the Earth. Obsidian was honored as purifier stone, which helps to resist various negative body effects. Obsidian can melt away “energy occlusions”. Famous lithotherapist Kathryn Rafael recommends placing obsidian on groin or navel areas for energy charging. When placed along central body line obsidian pieces favor the balance of meridian energy. In her opinion it is health-giving to place near obsidian small pieces of rock crystal; they help to resist emotional and physical “blocks”.  It is common to think that beads and pendants made of obsidian are good for stomach and bowels; also, they stimulate kidneys’ function, stabilize blood pressure and strengthen immunity.



In modalities it is said that opal contains 3 elements: water, fire and heat and may be used as people’s healer.  The Indians believed opal help with child’s growth. In 17-th century Boeci De Boot – court doctor of Bohemian Emperor Rudolf – wrote that opal “calms down, helps with heart-diseases, melancholy, and faints, prevents hot-temperness, irritations, restores sight and adds luster to the eyes”. In India people believed that opals help to communicate and make friends. There was an opinion that opal lose its shine when the owner it is about to fall ill.  Modern lithotherapists say that opals possess projective Yang energy. These stones make intuition better, and are good for neural system, hypophysis, and epiphysis. Opals harmonize all organism functions and protect from infections.



Health-giving effect of pearl is mentioned in well known “Canon” by Avitsenna and in works of ancient Arabic healers. There is an opinion that pearl goods are helpful at kidney, liver, digestion system diseases and positively influence human body at hypertension. Well known Tibetan medicine work called “Chzundzi” says that pearl is helpful at nervous disorder, amnesia and nerve weakness.

“Pearl water” is also used as a medication, it is water where few pearls were placed for a night. That water can be drunk in morning. It is said that “pearl water” can help at stomatorrhagia (bleeding from the mouth) and hemorrhoids, treatment of conjunctivitis, gives positive effect at liver diseases and gall-stone disease. Lithotherapists say it can normalize menstrual cycle.

Chinese Taoists considered pearl to be a stiff Yin symbol, elixir of youth capable to prolong human life. Even now some people in Mongolia and China believe that pearl possesses miraculous healing power that helps to treat cataract and other eye diseases.

It is said that pearl losing its original glitter reports about possible disease of its owner. There are some reasons of it – beauty of pearl fades with time, and human’s old age brings lots of diseases. In addition, changing of chemical substances specter, exuded by skin, can interact with pearl as a detector of some diseases.



It is common to think that quartz crystals possess positive receptive Yin energy. They are able to influence on Sahasrara and Adjna chakres. Experts say that amethystine quartz can drive away melancholy and give to its owner foresight abilities. Modern lythotherapists recommend to filter drinking water through mineral filter – special quartz crystals blend. It is also said that water infusion on quartz is possible. That kind of water favours organism, healing and stimulating it as well. No wonder, because in the nature vivifying spring water comes right through quartz-seams.



Ancient Indians believed is rauchtopaz’s ability to drive away all negative energy and sores from the body. There are Indian legends describing chalice made of whole smoke-colored quartz crystal, which cured all diseases. It is considered that smoke-colored quartz neutralizes hate and removes irritation. Rauchtopaz can dissolve stress and pain. For acquiring this lithotherapists advise to hold crystal in both hands and wait till they get warm.



In old times supernatural strengths was ascribed to ruby, including ability to prevent from serious diseases and give organism energy replenishment. It was considered that rubies heal heart, brain, increase strength and memory of a person. In old Russian book dedicated to gems it was said that ruby “relief human body from every disease in the name of health”. Rubies were also ascribed to antitoxic effect. These stones supposedly saved their owners from various poisons.

Modern lithotherapists say this stone cures many diseases. It is considered that it cures blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, spine and joint problems. Besides it can prevent epileptic seizures, favor neural system. This stone is able to dissolve depression, cures insomnia and schizophrenia. Ruby is not recommended for wearing with excess of Yang origins in organism, mental disturbance and increased arterial pressure. In this case it is appropriate to start wearing water-element stone for “cooling” and harmonization of energy balance.



Despite seraphinite’s relatively recent appearing in the world scene, this mineral has already gained reputation of a powerful cure. It is considered that seraphinite favors heart chakra, though by its color and ethereal vibrations it is able to influence on other person’s chakras. Seraphinite stabilizes one’s emotional sphere. It is also said that this mineral stimulates regeneration processes on cellular level, attracting healing powers of space. Lithotherapists recommend their patients while looking at stone’s play of colors to imagine negative energy and any unwanted problems in one’s body to dissolve. Seraphinite‘s silver play of colors are recommended to associate with sky-healing light, that is able to bring health and strength.



It is considered that spinel possess projective Yang energy and can affect Sacral “Svadhisthana” chakra. Stone favors physical and emotional organism state. Lithotherapists say that spinel strengthens immunity; increases blood circulation, regenerates tissue, cures infectious, skin and gastric diseases and also increases potency.



In ancient India topaz was considered to be one of 12 most important gems that possess healing powers. Modern lithotherapists think topaz possesses projective Yang energy. It protects their owner from cold tempatures, fastens regeneration, and cures digestive organs, liver, gallbladder, spleen. Topaz is helpful at insomnia and nervous exhaustion.

It also rejuvenates, strengthens immune system and also used as protection from mental disorders. Epicures should remember that topazes increase gustatory sense.



It is considered that tourmaline is powerful healing and purifying gem. Indian lithotherapy uses tourmalines of different colors. They said that red and pink tourmalines possess projective Yang energy; green, blue and black ones possess – receptive Yin energy. Green ones help when one has liver, neural, skin and blood system diseases. They maintain oxygen circulation of blood and strengthen immunity. Along with all other green colored stones tourmaline has the most powerful rejuvenation effect. It is recommended to be worn by everyone (especially for those who have a lot of physical and mental work) for aura regeneration, after negative outer influence. Blue tourmalines favor lymphatic, hormone and immune systems of a human.

Black schorl tourmaline form around itself defensive aura, deflecting all negative aspects. In American lithotherapy for negative energy withdrawal they rotate schorl (black tourmaline) counter clockwise upon problem areas. Indigolite is considered to be stone of peace and tranquil dream. Colorless tourmalines create physical and spiritual balance, purify consciousness.



Since olden days zircon was considered as powerful magical and health-giving gem that possesses projective Yang energy. It inspires person of his own strengths, optimism and good mood. In Indian practical yoga zircon, like diamond, was given the highest place among highest Sahasrara chakra energy. Mineralogists suppose that zircon’s strong energy influence can be explained by its bipyramidal shape of its crystals (bipyramidal effect). It is considered that yellow-red zircons positively affect hypophysis, pineal gland and stimulates liver work (that’s why zircons improve appetite).  They help at constipation, lowered gastric secretion and intestines atony. Zircons-hyacinths are multi-purpose healing gems that are able to purify the whole organism. They favor emotional balance effect and cure insomnia. In old times they believed that red zircon can prevent pregnancy. For doing so they placed a heated stone for 2-3 hours on lower part of belly during 8-10 days.